Tag: Utah (Page 3 of 5)

Birding Below Freezing in Utah

Ferruginous Hawk Teasdale Utah

Ferruginous Hawk soaring over hay fields in morning light

Birding Below Freezing

It’s 2020, so if COVID cases are spiking in Los Angeles, that means my family is probably in the middle of red-rock country in Utah. As we did in July, we took off to spend Thanksgiving week in Torrey, Utah. It was the first time we’d been in Torrey when it wasn’t late spring or summer. I was excited to see this beautiful wonderland in a new season.

It didn’t disappoint. There were still yellow leaves hanging on to many of the tall cottonwood trees that dot the landscape. We’d missed the brightest yellows of October, but it was a new look. On Boulder Mountain, the aspen trees were leafless, making their white trunks shine all the whiter. And we found some snow to play in. A dusting of snow fell at higher elevations on a couple of afternoons and evenings, which I’d never seen on red rock cliffs before. And with our brand new AWD Highlander (still driveable after we sadly bonked a deer on the way to Torrey), we braved the Burr Trail switchbacks for the first time. After the steep descent, we explored Headquarters Canyon, a fun slotty canyon.

But the high heat of July was decidedly gone. Most mornings, it was in the low 20s. Only on the first day did the daytime temperature rise above 50.  With the familiar wind blowing, it was often super cold. Combined, the temperature, the wind, and the lack of bugs made for slim birding pickings. We did our family hiking in the afternoons when the temperatures had gotten to 40. Since we were hiking in slick rock canyons and washes, there was little chance we’d stumble into many birds. For most hikes, my bird list was raven + dark-eyed junco, the end.

Canyon Wren Teasdale Utah

A Canyon Wren popped up on the rocks one morning

I ventured out a few mornings to try to and find something more.  I first went to Bicknell Bottoms, a vast area of grass fields with a creek running through it. Usually, it’s a productive spot. But there were several hunters walking the field when I drove up (ducks? ring-necked pheasant?). I did a drive-by (mallards, coots, harrier) and checked some spots in and around Teasdale. A small reservoir was almost froze over, abut a flock of 50 Canvasback were on the open water. During a walk around the rim, a Canyon Wren popped up.  I then drove through the hay fields around Teasdale, and found the Ferruginous Hawk pictured at the top of this post.

Late one afternoon, I explored a spot just north of Torrey where a bridge crosses a creek. It was frozen on the edges, but still running. It produced the longest list of the week: 9 species! The best find was a flock of Gambel’s Quail moving through the bushes. They’re flagged as rare in the area, but (the very very few) local eBirders have reported small populations in a couple of spots for 15-20 years. This wasn’t one of those spots, but the habitat was just right. A Clark’s Nutcracker flyover was welcome – I love the color scheme of those birds. A quick stop at the flats behind the Capitol Reef Resort produced a surprise Sage Thrasher in a llama corral, which should’ve migrated out of here months ago. Even the llamas were long gone already.

Sage Thrasher Capitol Reef Utah

A Sage Thrasher that should be further south this time of year

I spent another morning at a couple of my favorite birding spots on Boulder Mountain. The first was Wildcat Meadow. I wasn’t sure what I’d find. There have only been 5 eBird checklist reports ever submitted for Wildcat Meadow from Nov-Feb. I had my fingers crossed for a lifer Pine Grosbeak, but I never stumbled into anything but the usual suspects and a coyote. From there, I headed to Singletree Campground, a bit further down the mountain and the spot where I saw my lifer Northern Goshawk this summer. There’s a short hike to a waterfall behind the campground. I found the waterfall frozen over. Around the waterfall, I finally found a mixed flock of birds. There were Juniper Titmice, Mountain Chickadees, three Brown Creepers, and a Townsend Solitaire moving around. 

Downy Woodpecker Boulder Mountain Utah

Downy Woodpecker working the aspens

The best sightings of the week were during a family walk down Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park. On the way in, an unusual bird call sounded from behind me. I managed to get a rising sparrow-sized bird in my binoculars. The bird was quickly flying up over a 200 foot cliff. I could see a black chest that tapered off at the belly. After opening up my Audubon app, I’m 80% sure it was a Rosy Black-Finch. The call sounded right. But the visual look wasn’t certain. And it struck me as odd for there to be a single bird, instead of a small flock. It would’ve been a lifer, but I can’t be sure.

On the way out I spotted some desert bighorn sheep on a ledge about 25 feet above the wash. Bighorn sheep had disappeared from the area due to hunting and disease. In the mid-1990s, they were re-introduced. But it takes good luck to find them. I’ve seen them three times in 10 years, but it had been 5 years or more since I’d seen one. We watched them as they watched us for a good 5 minutes. Then, our family of 4 and their family of 4 went our separate ways. As we got to the car along UT-24, I heard the rattle of a Belted Kingfisher, and found it perched on the cliff above the Fremont River. The hike at Grand Wash was a great capper to a week in wonderland.

Big Horn Sheep Grand Wash Capitol Reef National Park

A family of 4 Big Horn Sheep in Grand Wash

Canada Jay at 10,000 feet

Canada Jay Thousand Lake Mountain Utah

Canada Jay, Thousand Lake Mountain, Utah

A lifer Canada Jay on Thousand Lake Mountain

Before we came out to Utah, I came up with a list of five birds that were possible lifers on the trip, Each was a long-shot. In order of how likely it was I thought I could see them, they were:

  1. Dusky Grouse
  2. Northern Goshawk
  3. Calliope Hummingbird
  4. Canada Jay
  5. American Three-toed Woodpecker

The boys and I had a flyover Northern Goshawk early in our trip. I saw another Goshawk just a couple of days ago, in the same area. While wandering Boulder Mountain upstream from Singletree Campground, a historic site for a Goshawk nest, I noticed a big bird flying towards me about 75 yards away, at eye level. As crazy as it sounds, the first thought that came into my head was Canada Goose. Must’ve been based on wingspan and white belly. But it quickly became clear that this was no goose. It was a Goshawk coming right for me. It dodged a couple of trees, and did a Maverick-like Top Gun fly-by just 5 feet over my head. We looked each other in the eyes. It then vanished into a stand of trees that I couldn’t believe it flew through without clipping its wings.   

A few days later, wandering around Mill Meadow Reservoir northeast of Loa, I got a short but clear view of a Calliope Hummingbird along a creek. On another day, I took a hike up to Coleman reservoir, south of Teasdale, the sight of a forest fire in 2012. Turns out, it was started by an arsonist who gained the thanks and praise of some locals for starting the fire. I went there because American Three-toed Woodpeckers like recently burned areas. I didn’t think a fire that burned 8 years ago was recent enough, but I thought it was worth a try. There were burned trees all over, but no target woodpecker.

Flatiron Lake Teasdale Utah

A small lake in the burn area

Two places near Torrey offered a chance of both Canada Jay and Dusky Grouse. The first is Boulder Mountain, where someone reported both species at Chokecherry Point just a few days ago. It’s a 3.3 mile hike each way from the highway. The hike starts at 8,600 feet, and ends at 10,700. This spot is in Garfield County. 

The other option is Thousand Lake Mountain. Dusky Grouse has been reported there twice, each a July sighting. Canada Jay has been reported there three times, including near Elkhorn Campground in May. There is a 8 mile dirt road to Elkhorn Campground (elevation 9,800 feet). But I didn’t know if it was a Prius-accessible road. Elkhorn Campground is in Wayne County. (I mention the counties because birders can be weird about county lists. And Torrey is in Wayne County. And for reasons that only make sense to some birders, I preferred (if I could) to add birds to my Wayne County list over my Garfield County list.)

Canada Jay Thousand Lake Mountain Utah

I am a sucker for this color scheme

I decided to attempt the drive up to Elkhorn Campground first. On the maps, the dirt road to the campground is a dark-red dotted line, and all the other dark-red dotted line dirt roads I’ve driven in the area were well-maintained, frequently-graded dirt roads that any sedan could handle. I was relieved to find that the case for this road, too. It was a steady climb, and a couple of sections had some bumpy rocks, but overall it was easy going. Indeed, the road was so good that I drove right past Elkhorn Campground to see how close I could get to a couple of lakes near the top of the mountain.

I pulled over at a spot called Clay Dugway Spring. As I stepped out of the car at 9:30am, a bunch of birds flitted about the spring: Western Tanagers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, American Robins, Mountain Chickadees. I headed off toward Deep Creek Lake. As I walked the road, I came upon a picnic area. Moving about were three Canada Jays. Two were adults, with mostly white heads. The third was a sooty gray juvenile. They moved deliberately from tree to tree. Their flight was mesmerizing – big, slow wingbeats, and a swooping glide onto a perch. They didn’t stay around for long, but the views were great.

Deep Creek Lake Thousand Lake Mountain

Deep Creek Lake

Canada Jays were called Canada Jays until 1957, and then Gray Jays until the name changed back in 2018. They are also known as Whiskey Jacks and Camp Robbers. Apparently, they approach humans willingly, and will take food out of your hand. They also use sticky saliva to glue food to trees that they come back to during winter.  The Torrey area is about as far south as Canada Jays get in Utah.

I struck out on Dusky Grouse on Thousand Lake Mountain. Even though I thought it was the most likely addition to my life list, I’ve yet to see one. Looks like I’ll need to hike to Chokecherry Point before we leave. 

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