Category: Species (Page 10 of 14)

Canada Jay at 10,000 feet

Canada Jay Thousand Lake Mountain Utah

Canada Jay, Thousand Lake Mountain, Utah

A lifer Canada Jay on Thousand Lake Mountain

Before we came out to Utah, I came up with a list of five birds that were possible lifers on the trip, Each was a long-shot. In order of how likely it was I thought I could see them, they were:

  1. Dusky Grouse
  2. Northern Goshawk
  3. Calliope Hummingbird
  4. Canada Jay
  5. American Three-toed Woodpecker

The boys and I had a flyover Northern Goshawk early in our trip. I saw another Goshawk just a couple of days ago, in the same area. While wandering Boulder Mountain upstream from Singletree Campground, a historic site for a Goshawk nest, I noticed a big bird flying towards me about 75 yards away, at eye level. As crazy as it sounds, the first thought that came into my head was Canada Goose. Must’ve been based on wingspan and white belly. But it quickly became clear that this was no goose. It was a Goshawk coming right for me. It dodged a couple of trees, and did a Maverick-like Top Gun fly-by just 5 feet over my head. We looked each other in the eyes. It then vanished into a stand of trees that I couldn’t believe it flew through without clipping its wings.   

A few days later, wandering around Mill Meadow Reservoir northeast of Loa, I got a short but clear view of a Calliope Hummingbird along a creek. On another day, I took a hike up to Coleman reservoir, south of Teasdale, the sight of a forest fire in 2012. Turns out, it was started by an arsonist who gained the thanks and praise of some locals for starting the fire. I went there because American Three-toed Woodpeckers like recently burned areas. I didn’t think a fire that burned 8 years ago was recent enough, but I thought it was worth a try. There were burned trees all over, but no target woodpecker.

Flatiron Lake Teasdale Utah

A small lake in the burn area

Two places near Torrey offered a chance of both Canada Jay and Dusky Grouse. The first is Boulder Mountain, where someone reported both species at Chokecherry Point just a few days ago. It’s a 3.3 mile hike each way from the highway. The hike starts at 8,600 feet, and ends at 10,700. This spot is in Garfield County. 

The other option is Thousand Lake Mountain. Dusky Grouse has been reported there twice, each a July sighting. Canada Jay has been reported there three times, including near Elkhorn Campground in May. There is a 8 mile dirt road to Elkhorn Campground (elevation 9,800 feet). But I didn’t know if it was a Prius-accessible road. Elkhorn Campground is in Wayne County. (I mention the counties because birders can be weird about county lists. And Torrey is in Wayne County. And for reasons that only make sense to some birders, I preferred (if I could) to add birds to my Wayne County list over my Garfield County list.)

Canada Jay Thousand Lake Mountain Utah

I am a sucker for this color scheme

I decided to attempt the drive up to Elkhorn Campground first. On the maps, the dirt road to the campground is a dark-red dotted line, and all the other dark-red dotted line dirt roads I’ve driven in the area were well-maintained, frequently-graded dirt roads that any sedan could handle. I was relieved to find that the case for this road, too. It was a steady climb, and a couple of sections had some bumpy rocks, but overall it was easy going. Indeed, the road was so good that I drove right past Elkhorn Campground to see how close I could get to a couple of lakes near the top of the mountain.

I pulled over at a spot called Clay Dugway Spring. As I stepped out of the car at 9:30am, a bunch of birds flitted about the spring: Western Tanagers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, American Robins, Mountain Chickadees. I headed off toward Deep Creek Lake. As I walked the road, I came upon a picnic area. Moving about were three Canada Jays. Two were adults, with mostly white heads. The third was a sooty gray juvenile. They moved deliberately from tree to tree. Their flight was mesmerizing – big, slow wingbeats, and a swooping glide onto a perch. They didn’t stay around for long, but the views were great.

Deep Creek Lake Thousand Lake Mountain

Deep Creek Lake

Canada Jays were called Canada Jays until 1957, and then Gray Jays until the name changed back in 2018. They are also known as Whiskey Jacks and Camp Robbers. Apparently, they approach humans willingly, and will take food out of your hand. They also use sticky saliva to glue food to trees that they come back to during winter.  The Torrey area is about as far south as Canada Jays get in Utah.

I struck out on Dusky Grouse on Thousand Lake Mountain. Even though I thought it was the most likely addition to my life list, I’ve yet to see one. Looks like I’ll need to hike to Chokecherry Point before we leave. 

Epic Hummingbird Battle

Comet Neowise Torrey Utah

Gratuitous photo of the comet Neowise and a shooting star, seen from the Torrey Mesa

Come Strong for the Sugar Water

Whenever we visit the house on Torrey Mesa (Utah), we put some sugar water in a hummingbird feeder and hang it from the awning over the back porch. Within a couple of hours, the hummingbirds start to show up. We see three different hummingbird species in this arid, high elevation spot: Rufous Hummingbirds, Black-chinned Hummingbirds, and Broad-tailed Hummingbirds. They’re often skittish at first. After a couple of days, though, they come to tolerate our presence on the porch nearby. Indeed, the boys even get hummingbirds to land on their fingers to feed.

Hummingbird on Finger

Inter-species trust and cooperation

Hummingbirds are tiny and delicate, but they are notoriously aggressive. You can see it at times in competition over flowers, but the tension is on full display at sugar water feeders. Putting a hummingbird feeder out is a little like smashing open a pinata in front of a half-dozen seventh-grade bullies. Free sugar brings out screaming, stomping, and, occasionally, violent behavior. With dagger-like, and sometimes serrated, bills, these scrums are no joke.

At any given time, there is usually one hummingbird that we call “The Boss” around the feeder. This hummingbird furiously guards the feeder, chasing away other hummingbirds that come around. The Boss will set up on a branch on one of two juniper trees, each about 50 feet from the feeder.  When a hungry hummingbird flies in toward the feeder, The Boss darts from the juniper and heads straight for the invader at full speed. Most are quick enough to avoid the assault. At times, though, contact is made. Usually, the confrontation is mostly bluster: harsh calling and a full display of tail feathers. Sometimes, The Boss gets tired of flying in from the junipers, and just sits atop the feeder and guard the juice. 

An individual doesn’t stay The Boss for long. In four days, we’ve had at least 3 different identifiable bosses. Two have been Rufous Hummingbirds (one female Boss, and one male Boss), and the other a male Black-chinned Hummingbird. Our best guess for the turnover: it is exhausting to be The Boss. It takes a ton of energy to chase away other hummingbirds. Not only is it tiring, it can become futile. As the number of hummingbirds to chase away increases, The Boss simply can’t maintain control of the feeder.

Yesterday, I witnessed an epic hummingbird battle. The Boss was a male Black-chinned Hummingbird. When a female Rufous Hummingbird came to the feeder, the Boss did the usual thing. (I think it’s a female Rufous. It may be a female Broad-tailed). He flew in from the juniper and attempted to stab the Rufous Hummingbird with his bill. A short duel occurred in the sky near the feeder, with both birds screeching and spreading their tail feathers wide. Instead of tucking tail and flying off, the female Rufous stood her ground.  She had no idea what she was up against.

Black-chinned Hummingbird

The battle moves to the ground

What happened next was something I had never seen, nor did I ever imagine I’d see. Neither hummingbird would back down. After a few seconds of aerial jousting, the Black-chinned got above the Rufous and drove her to the ground. It looked like a wrestling match for a couple of seconds. Then, the action stopped. To my shock, the Black-chinned Hummingbird had landed on the Rufous Hummingbird’s bill. He was standing there, flapping his wings for balance, just dominating the Rufous Hummingbird. He didn’t let go for almost 10 seconds. Amazingly, I had my camera at the ready and got a couple of shots.

Black-chinned Hummingbird Rufous Hummingbird

Total Hummingbird Domination

Black-chinned Hummingbird

Black-chinned Hummingbird

The constant fighting led to a family discussion. Are we doing these birds right by offering up free food in a scarce environment? Or are we Romans at the Coliseum watching tiny gladiators battle for our own amusement? And what are the psychological ramifications of having another hummingbird stand on your bill while you’re prostrate on the ground? Yes, somewhat, and fleeting, if you ask me.

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