Category: Deep Thoughts (Page 4 of 6)

Election Fraud is Real

Not in political elections in the United States, of course. But in New Zealand. In a Bird of the Year contest. Luckily for New Zealand, whether the Spotted Kiwi or the Kakapo wins the contest, it has national leadership that takes COVID seriously. The entire country of New Zealand has had fewer total COVID cases ever (2,001 as of today) than my hometown of Los Angeles reported yesterday (3,694).

Birds Dying in the Southwest

Barn Swallow Ballona Creek Bike Path

Barn Swallow, Ballona Creek Bike Path, Los Angeles, CA

Migrating Birds Dying in Southwest

I recently did a post about how infrequently I find dead birds despite billions of them dying every year. Now come reports of unusually high numbers of migrating birds being found dead in the southwest. You can find stories on it herehere, and here. No certainty yet on the cause. Possible culprits include an early cold snap forcing migration before birds were ready, and the fires and smoke in the west causing early migration or forcing birds off their customary migratory routes. I imagine Antifa bears some of the blame, too, and armed patriots are planning on Facebook to gather in New Mexico this weekend to protect the birds.

2020 keeps finding ways to be the worst year. 


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