BUrrowing Owl Dockweiler Beach Los Angeles California

Burrowing Owl, Dockweiler Beach, December 2015

What is a 5MR?

“5MR” stands for Five-Mile Radius. A 5MR is a circle that extends five miles in every direction from your living room couch. It’s like a CBC circle, but smaller and personal to you. The 5MR is the new way to bird, replacing the obscenity of non-Kenn Kaufman ABA-area big years, and hopefully shrinking the number of people pursuing never-ending county big years (especially in gigantic counties like mine). It reduces the time spent driving around creation in a gas-burning car, making it environmentally friendly (which the birds appreciate). It gets you away from the same old hotspots, and more familiar with your local area, birding parks and spots that you (and the rest of us) otherwise never visit, and finding great birds that otherwise are never found. And you learn more about, and document, distribution and migration patterns and nesting going on right near you, which is much more valuable than dozens of reports of the same annual vagrant at a regularly-birded hotspot.I went all-in in 2018, did a 5MR Big Year, and I was changed forever. I discovered spots 5 minutes from my house full of birds, found some great birds I used to drive an hour or more to go see (a Mountain Plover at the beach!), and learned a ton about bird life.

I can’t encourage 5MR birding enough. For more information from the originator of the 5MR, Jen Sanford, click here.

My Culver City 5MR

My enthusiasm for 5MR birding undoubtedly springs from the wonderfully diverse habitat I happen to have in my 5MR. Within a five-mile radius of my living room couch, I’ve got some scrubby hills, lots of parks with trees, a whole bunch of cemeteries, a big freshwater marsh, a mile-long bushy riparian area, a lush university campus, a creek that spills into the ocean, sand dunes, beach, rock jetties, a marina, and enough ocean to get some pelagic species.


  1. House Sparrow (2012)
  2. Allen’s Hummingbird
  3. American Coot
  4. Great Blue Heron
  5. Great Egret
  6. Green Heron
  7. White-tailed Kite
  8. Red-tailed Hawk
  9. Snowy Egret
  10. American Kestrel
  11. Mallard (2013)
  12. Rock Pigeon
  13. Black-necked Stilt
  14. American Wigeon
  15. Marbled Godwit
  16. Willet
  17. Ring-billed Gull
  18. California Gull
  19. Brown Pelican
  20. American Crow
  21. Mourning Dove
  22. House Finch
  23. Lesser Goldfinch
  24. Anna’s Hummingbird
  25. White-crowned Sparrow
  26. Western Grebe
  27. Sanderling
  28. Northern Harrier
  29. Say’s Phoebe
  30. California Scrub-Jay
  31. Cinnamon Teal
  32. Gadwall
  33. Red-breasted Merganser
  34. Red-winged Blackbird
  35. Common Yellowthroat
  36. Yellow-rumped Warbler
  37. Bufflehead
  38. Royal Tern
  39. Double-crested Cormorant
  40. Tree Swallow
  41. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  42. Canada Goose
  43. Short-eared Owl
  44. Greater Yellowlegs
  45. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
  46. Barn Swallow
  47. Black-crowned Night-Heron
  48. American Robin
  49. Brewer’s Blackbird
  50. Mandarin Duck*
  51. Western Gull
  52. Northern Mockingbird
  53. Western Kingbird
  54. Warbling Vireo
  55. Western Bluebird
  56. Cedar Waxwing
  57. Brown-headed Cowbird
  58. Killdeer
  59. Caspian Tern
  60. Whimbrel
  61. Elegant Tern
  62. Mitred Parakeet
  63. Ruddy Duck
  64. Pied-billed Grebe
  65. European Starling
  66. Great-tailed Grackle
  67. Surf Scoter
  68. Heermann’s Gull
  69. Common Gallinule
  70. Black Phoebe
  71. Bushtit
  72. Eurasian Collared-Dove
  73. Song Sparrow
  74. California Towhee
  75. Barn Owl
  76. Ruddy Turnstone
  77. Western Sandpiper
  78. Black Oystercatcher
  79. Black-bellied Plover
  80. Semipalmated Plover
  81. Dark-eyed Junco
  82. Lazuli Bunting
  83. Osprey
  84. Ash-throated Flycatcher
  85. Cooper’s Hawk
  86. Black Turnstone
  87. Surfbird
  88. Least Sandpiper
  89. Wandering Tattler
  90. Brandt’s Cormorant
  91. Orange-crowned Warbler
  92. Northern Shoveler
  93. Forster’s Tern
  94. Belted Kingfisher
  95. Short-billed Dowitcher
  96. Sora
  97. Green-winged Teal
  98. Spotted Sandpiper
  99. Blue-footed Booby
  100. Wilson’s Warbler
  101. Blue-winged Teal
  102. Eared Grebe
  103. Bald Eagle
  104. Cassin’s Kingbird
  105. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
  106. Dunlin
  107. Spotted Towhee
  108. Western Meadowlark
  109. Vaux’s Swift
  110. Northern Flicker
  111. Fox Sparrow
  112. Wilson’s Snipe
  113. Western Flycatcher (Pacific-slope)
  114. Hermit Thrush
  115. American Avocet
  116. Nuttall’s Woodpecker
  117. House Wren
  118. Red-breasted Sapsucker
  119. Rose-ringed Parakeet
  120. Northern Red Bishop
  121. Townsend’s Warbler
  122. Bonaparte’s Gull
  123. Lesser Scaup
  124. Horned Grebe 
  125. Common Loon
  126. Ring-necked Duck
  127. Ferruginous Hawk
  128. Black-legged Kittiwake
  129. Black-throated Gray Warbler
  130. Black-throated Green Warbler
  131. Burrowing Owl
  132. Red-naped Sapsucker
  133. Bewick’s Wren
  134. Common Raven (2014)
  135. Hooded Merganser
  136. Long-billed Dowitcher
  137. Snowy Plover
  138. Pacific Loon
  139. Palm Warbler
  140. Red-shouldered Hawk
  141. Downy Woofpecker
  142. Golden-crowned Sparrow
  143. Lincoln’s Sparrow
  144. Black-and-white Warbler
  145. Common Goldeneye
  146. Glaucous-winged Gull
  147. Mew Gull
  148. Redhead
  149. Long-tailed Duck
  150. Savannah Sparrow
  151. American Pipit
  152. Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
  153. Marsh Wren
  154. Hooded Oriole
  155. Red-masked Parakeet
  156. White-throated Swift
  157. Bullock’s Oriole
  158. White-faced Ibis
  159. Virginia Rail
  160. Black-headed Grosbeak
  161. Least Bittern
  162. Red-necked Phalarope
  163. Chipping Sparrow
  164. Nashville Warbler
  165. Hutton’s Vireo
  166. Yellow Warbler
  167. Cliff Swallow
  168. Turkey Vulture
  169. Western Tanager
  170. Swainson’s Thrush
  171. Brant
  172. Hermit Warbler
  173. Cockatiel*
  174. Least Tern
  175. Western Wood-Pewee
  176. MacGillivray’s Warbler
  177. Black Skimmer
  178. Wilson’s Phalarope
  179. American Goldfinch
  180. Acorn Woodpecker
  181. Pelagic Cormorant
  182. White-winged Scoter
  183. Tricolored Blackbird
  184. Red-throated Loon
  185. American White Pelican
  186. American Bittern
  187. Worm-eating Warbler
  188. Peregrine Falcon
  189. Merlin
  190. Ancient Murrelet
  191. Black-vented Shearwater (2015)
  192. Lawrence’s Goldfinch
  193. Lark Sparrow
  194. Herring Gull
  195. Clark’s Grebe
  196. Greater Scaup
  197. Black Scoter
  198. Plumbeous Vireo
  199. Band-tailed Pigeon
  200. California Thrasher
  201. Northern Pintail
  202. Long-billed Curlew
  203. Black-chinned Hummingbird
  204. Rufous Hummingbird
  205. Great Horned Owl
  206. Yellow-headed Blackbird
  207. Olive-sided Flycatcher
  208. Yellow-breasted Chat
  209. Willow Flycatcher
  210. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
  211. Egyptian Goose
  212. Red Knot
  213. Loggerhead Shrike
  214. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  215. Mountain Chickadee
  216. Snow Goose
  217. Summer Tanager
  218. Painted Redstart
  219. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
  220. Ross’s Goose (2016)
  221. Greater White-fronted Goose
  222. Iceland Gull
  223. Bell’s Vireo
  224. Ridgway’s Rail
  225. Sabine’s Gull
  226. Pectoral Sandpiper
  227. Lilac-crowned Parrot
  228. Chestnut-sided Warbler
  229. Swamp Sparrow
  230. White-throated Sparrow
  231. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
  232. Eurasian Wigeon (2017)
  233. White-eyed Vireo
  234. Oak Titmouse
  235. American Redstart
  236. Island Canary*
  237. Tennessee Warbler
  238. Northern Parula
  239. Blackpoll Warbler
  240. Bar-tailed Godwit
  241. Vesper Sparrow
  242. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  243. Pacific Golden-Plover
  244. Dusky-capped Flycatcher
  245. Phainopepla (2018)
  246. Sage Thrasher
  247. Parasitic Jaeger
  248. Nanday Parakeet
  249. Clay-colored Sparrow
  250. Cackling Goose
  251. Purple Finch
  252. Orchard Oriole
  253. Violet-green Swallow
  254. Helmeted Guineafowl*
  255. Cassin’s Vireo
  256. Blue Grosbeak
  257. Costa’s Hummingbird
  258. Bank Swallow
  259. Scaly-breasted Munia
  260. Fulvous Whistling-Duck
  261. Rufous-crowned Sparrow
  262. Baird’s Sandpiper
  263. Solitary Sandpiper
  264. White-breasted Nuthatch
  265. White-winged Dove
  266. Brewer’s Sparrow
  267. Wood Duck
  268. Mountain Plover
  269. Rock Wren
  270. American Oystercatcher (2019)
  271. Swinhoe’s White-eye
  272. Gray Flycatcher
  273. Lesser Yellowlegs
  274. Yellow-crowned Bishop*
  275. Pin-tailed Whydah
  276. Golden-crowned Kinglet
  277. Vermilion Flycatcher
  278. Masked Booby (2020)
  279. Green-tailed Towhee
  280. Indian Peafowl*
  281. Red Phalarope
  282. Budgerigar*
  283. Semipalmated Sandpiper
  284. Hooded Warbler
  285. Pine Siskin
  286. Red-necked Grebe
  287. California Gnatcatcher (2021)
  288. Swainson’s Hawk
  289. Tropical Kingbird
  290. Canvasback
  291. Neotropic Cormorant
  292. Western Cattle Egret
  293. Purple Martin
  294. Red-lored Parrot
  295. Red-whiskered Bulbul
  296. Northern Cardinal
  297. Common Merganser (2022)
  298. Cape May Warbler
  299. Northern Fulmar
  300. Hammond’s Flycatcher
  301. Common Tern
  302. Pigeon Guillemot
  303. Grasshopper Sparrow
  304. Baltimore Oriole
  305. Townsend’s Solitaire (2023)
  306. Great Crested Flycatcher
  307. Brown Creeper
  308. Common Murre (2024)
  309. Virginia’s Warbler
  310. Little Blue Heron
  311. Ruff
  312. Eastern Yellow Wagtail
  313. Horned Lark
  314. Indigo Bunting
  315. Siberian Pipit
  316. Lesser Black-backed Gull (2025)
  317. Least Flycatcher